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Realistic Scenarios That We As Americans NEED To Be Prepared For

     Everyone wants to prep like we are going to see a Red Dawn invasion with a picturesque view of Americans banding together to fight a foreign army with guerrilla warfare and warding off the enemy force through resillience and perseverance....The reality is.....We aren't prepared to sustain a long term war effort. We don't have the logistics in place to move food, water and munitions in an efficient and sustainable manner and based off the events we are about to cover, we aren't really prepared to survive WITHOUT the pressure and supply line issues an all out invasion would cause. Let's cover a few events from the last few years that have happened and weren't handled well.  -MAY 2020-  George Floyd was arrested by the police and die...  Read More

What is our EDC?

One of the biggest things we are proponents of is the implementation of a concealed carry system. This isn't the type of Every Day Carry (EDC) system that you occasionally carry or carry when you have to drive through a less desirable part of town. This is something you carry with you on a daily basis, and you NOT carrying the system is very much the exception rather than the norm. This doesn't have to be elaborate, expensive or bulky but there are a few prerequisites that do have to be met.  I'll preface part of this by saying, an everyday carry system isn't comfortable. It doesn't have to be uncomfortable necessarily, but to carry a pistol that weighs 3lbs or more is something you feel on your waist. Especially for those new to carryi...  Read More