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Realistic Scenarios That We As Americans NEED To Be Prepared For


     Everyone wants to prep like we are going to see a Red Dawn invasion with a picturesque view of Americans banding together to fight a foreign army with guerrilla warfare and warding off the enemy force through resillience and perseverance....The reality is.....We aren't prepared to sustain a long term war effort. We don't have the logistics in place to move food, water and munitions in an efficient and sustainable manner and based off the events we are about to cover, we aren't really prepared to survive WITHOUT the pressure and supply line issues an all out invasion would cause. Let's cover a few events from the last few years that have happened and weren't handled well. 

-MAY 2020- 

George Floyd was arrested by the police and died during the arrest causing massive protests ending in burning building, vehicles and businesses. There was massive BLM protests with a significent increase in violence across the country. There were over 7750 protests across all 50 states with over 570 ending in violence worfthy of news coverage. 

-JUNE 2020- 

Government intervention was ordered fodr antifia related riots with marshall law being implemented in portions of three separate states. 55 separate federal and national guard deployments were recorded. Seatlle, Washinton became a hotspot for viokent protests. Portlan, Oregon was shutdown with 28% of the protests ending in goverment intervention. 

-MAY 2021 TO SEPT 2023-

There were over 1,000 pandemic related protests reported in 47 of the 50 states, most of which were consolodated to California, New York, Florida and Texas. While the protests were moslty consolidated to a few states, the ever increasing amount of protests with an ever growing level of violence and disruption. 

We are currently in the highest level of evictions in U.S. history. The covid 19 Eviction Defense Project is estimating that 19-23 MILLION people will be evicted by the end of this October, 2024. 

We have seen 22 natural disasters resulting in nearly 1 Billion dollars in damage for EACH event. 

Fast Forward to the date of this post...

Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virgina, Vermont, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Connecticut and North Dakota are all dealing with the aftermath of multiple hurricanes, tropical storms and severe storms causing damage in the multi billion dollars, roving blackouts are spreading across the easter United States, food and water shortages are causing death numbers to rise, unprecedented flooding is affecting cities in the mountains of North Carolina all the way to the coast and all of this is being dealt with while out very own American neighbors are looting homes and businesses....

This post doesn't cover 25 or 50 years worth of problems. All of this happened in the last four years and is still by absolutely no means a comprehensive list. I am just covering the highlights of the problems we are facing. 

The very reality that we find ourselves in is very CANNOT rely on someone else to save you. You cannot rely on fema to bring you food and water. Our goverment would rather pour money into foreign war efforts instead of supporting their own people right here at home. We have found ourselves in a position of gut wrenching reality. It is up to you and the community you build to be there when you need it most. YOU need to be prepared for the wide range if situations you may find yourself in. It is out job as a prepared populace to have the contingency plans in place and the resources to implement those plans quickly and efficiently.

So what DO we need to prepare for? 

This long and depressing list of problems we have faced in the last few years shouldn't be disheartening but should rather be looked at as a learning opportunity. We have a history of problems and how they were handled with a timeline to use for possible resolutions to be implemented. Being prepared for this list is by no means exhaustive. The potential for unforseen circumstances is always present but this list is a good starting point for preparations to begin.

-Violent Protests

-Highway shutdowns

-Food shortages

-Electrical grid failures


-Marshall Law

-Rioting and Looting 

-Natural disasters 

The level of prepardness comes down to your level of training as well as your budget but the basics are pretty easy to meet. How you plan and what you plan for will be very dependant on your location. Preparing for a natural disaster in New mexico may vary wildly from how you would prepare in Florida. Here is a basic list of what every American should have to be prepared for and start implementing into your daily lives. 

1) 1-3 months of food and water. Storing that amount of water can be tough so I choose to have multiple sources to procure and purify water instead. The Grayl system, Katadyn Hiker Pro, LifeStraw and Platypus Gravity Filter are all types I have used and would trust my life to. For freeze dried foods, I prefer Peak Refuel. The taste is excellant and they have a 25 yr shelf life. 

2) A get home bag and a plan to get home. That means food, water, shelter, navigation and a timeline for your spouse so they know when you will be home and what to do if you don't meet your time window. You need to have a Primary, Alternate, Contingent and Emergency plan or "P.A.C.E. plan" in place for your route as well. Road closures and shutdowns may force you to alter your primary plan on the fly and you should be prepared for that. 

3) Have emergency medical, blankets and clothing both at home and in your vehicle. There was an astonishing death toll in New York a few years ago because a snowstorm shut down a highway and people froze to death in their own vehicles while stuck on the highway. My dad always told me to dress like I was walking. That's been a hard lesson learned over the years. Dress for the weather. Even if you don't plan to be in it. 

4) Be prepared and trained to deal with the potential violence involved with the ever increasing amount of protests, riots and chaos near cities. That means evasion, firearms and medical training. This is the hardest and most costly part to be proficient at. 

If you are prepared to get home on foot, bug in, bug out and deal with potential rioting and violent protest that have havocked our country over the last few years then you will be ready for most instances we've experienced. Some of these topics take a higher priority over others and that has to be dictated by your individual needs and location. Preparing for drought in the desert, hurricanes in Florida, Grid failures in pennsylvania and violent protests near Saint Louis are all examples of a high liklihood case based on locality. 

The reality of one of those events happening in your area is high based on the last few years of history. The worlds mentality is quick to greed and aggression. So we have to be prepared for that. Hard times bring out ugly people and it's seemingly getting worse as time moves on. The need to be prepared is growing and in a world of endless choas, it only makes sense to start getting ready if you havent already. 

Get prepared and be prepared. You are your first responder.